So you Need to Change your Last Name


Changing your name is a once in a lifetime ordeal, which is why a lot of brides are left in a dark when it comes to what exactly they need to get their name changed on. We may all think about the driver’s license and our social insurance cards, but there are a whole lot of other things that need to have your last name legally changed on them as well. Here are some things that will need to have your new last name updated and changed:

How do I even Change my Name?

Generally any office of the registrar in any county, municipality, town, or province will be able to change your name at any time. Ask your local parliament office if you are unable to locate a place where you can change your name.

The Financials

When it comes to your financial accounts, you will need to most definitely change your name so that these accounts are still legally recognized as being yours. For your bank, make sure you change your last name on:

  • Your checking account
  • Your saving’s account
  • Any personal checks you have
  • Any other accounts (such as mutual funds, RRSPs, etc.)

You also need to make sure that any and all credit cards you have all have an updated last name. Take out every credit card that you have and call those providers.

The Employer

You will need to advise your employer’s human resources department that you have changed your name legally. This means that the last name will need to be changed on:

  • Your 401K (if applicable)
  • Any business cards you may have
  • Your email address
  • Your tax forms that are sent out at the beginning of each new year

The Insurance

If you have any insurance of any kind, you must update these companies on your name change. This includes your:

  • Medical insurance
  • Dental insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Home insurance/rental insurance
  • Car insurance

When you are updating your car insurance, make sure that you also update the car registrants name and your name on the car title.

The Utilities

If you currently pay for any utilities under your name, they need to now your new name. These utilities may include:

  • Electric
  • Gas
  • Cable/Satellite TV
  • Telephone
  • Water
  • Garbage or trash

The Miscellaneous

There are a whole lot of random things that will also need to be advised of your brand new name. This includes:

  • Any internet service providers, and accounts that you may have online
  • IRS
  • Your landlord (if you rent)
  • Any college and/or high school associations
  • Driver’s License
  • Library Card
  • Passport
  • Post office
  • Social security card or Social insurance number
  • Stocks and bonds
  • Wills and other legal documents
  • Magazine subscriptions
  • Your video store

Though it is quite an extensive list, it is important that for identification reasons you update your last name with everything and everyone you can think of. This way you can make sure that your information is always accessible and safe, no matter what may happen later on down the road.

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Categories: Budget and Basics